Come on, all you DIY enthusiasts. Today we will dive deep into the world of vibrant kitchen cabinet painting. You can easily transform your kitchen’s look from boring to stylish without having to spend a lot of money. Get ready to work your fingers dirty, and give new life to those outdated cabinets!
Imagine walking into cabinets that are so 1980s that they feel like old friends. So, if retro-styles are your style, I salute you! However, if the look you are looking for is more 21st Century-inspired, you can find it here. The painting of cabinets requires more than just applying some sherbet tones and calling it done. The art of painting is like making the perfect cup on a rainy morning.
It’s time to get the floor cleared. Remove everything from the cabinets that isn’t in need of a paintjob. It’s important to not let your cereal cartons look like a random modern art work. It’s now time to scrub them clean. Grease, grime and other contaminants are your worst enemies. Talk about soap, a bit of water and a light scrub, if those stubborn stains feel like they’ll never come out.
After your surfaces have been polished, bring out the heavy hitters: sandpaper. Sandpaper is dusty. Yes, you will make a mess. But think of this as an exfoliation. The paint on your cabinets will not stick to them if you don’t give it a clean start. You shouldn’t miss this step, except if peeling off paint is the look you desire.
Prime time, baby! Your cabinets need to be primed. The primer will ensure that the paint stays on and lasts for years. You’re investing in the project for the long term. The primer you choose should match the material of your cabinets. If you are using laminates or wood, they each require their own unique treatment.
This is the part you have been anticipating: painting. Now, play the dramatic soundtrack! Use a roller, a brush to begin the transformation. This is where you want to be. You can think of the initial coat as setting the foundation for the finished masterpiece, and then the subsequent coat as adding the final touches. Patience will be the key. A rush is the fastest way to disaster and confusion.
Imagine what your family will say when you dry out the cupboards. It will amaze your friends and family at the newfound artistic flare you have developed. I am sure that my friend you’ll have overcome the Everest home improvement project and still lived to tell it.
Do not overlook the knobs or handles. Even though they might appear small or unimportant at first, as if the carrot in your beef soup were all that matters, their power is greater than anyone could imagine. They can be replaced with something complementary. This is like choosing the perfect pair earrings to complement your attire.
We’re done. What a rewarding process. Paint kitchen cabinets takes a strong person. As with a good horror movie the excitement is worth it. If you pamper your cabinets, they will reward you with a gorgeous kitchen. Do not be afraid to get creative and confidently paint your kitchen!