The Power of Wriggle: Black Soldier Fly Larvae for Happy, Healthy Pets

You’ve probably thought to yourself, “That is a bug meal you are having my friend.” With Black soldier fly larvae, it’s possible. They’re not just leftovers from your backyard bird’s dinner. These wrigglers have swerved into the gourmet lane of your pets.

What a mouthful, Black Soldier Fly larvae! Let’s stick with BSFL, or maybe “those wriggly thing.” Believe it or not these grubs pack a powerful nutritional punch. These grubs are packed with protein and calcium. They also contain a lot of fatty acids, which can help your pet’s coat glow brighter than the sun on a sunny afternoon. The kind of glow where the people at the dog park ask you, “What is your secret?”

We’ll chew on the reasons why BSFL could be just the thing your pet has been craving. Imagine that you are feeding Fido and Whiskers a diet not too different from the one their wild ancestors ate. It’s like giving your pet an organic spa treatment for digestion. Their tummies will hum.

Sustainability is another eco-buzzword. BSFL are high-scoring on the eco-scale because they were raised using food waste. The leftovers from yesterday are transformed into gourmet food for tomorrow. This is not cheap drivel. It’s premium food. Tossing BSFL in your pet’s food could help them reduce their pawprints on Mother Earth. Isn’t this the ultimate dream?

Let’s be reasonable. You might be horrified by the thought of bugs in your food. After all, we’ve been told to watch out for them on vegetables since childhood. What about pets? Pets are not fussbudgets like us. When you’re not looking, dogs are known for eating whatever they want. Cats? Cats? These larvae have been bred under controlled conditions and are quite posh.

Spilling beans or larvae: Adding BSFL to regular pet food, or as a standalone treat is a fun way to add some variety into their diet. Imagine Rover jumping around in joy each time you give him the wriggly bits. Imagine Mittens, the cat in shock as she tries to determine if it’s your best birthday or not.

Here’s something to chew on: introduce any new food slowly. Willie Wonder Dog shouldn’t have an upset stomach. Begin small, watch and adapt. When it comes to changes, pets can be as fussy as humans. A little patience will go a long way.

You might find it amusing to throw insect larvae in the cart. You don’t see this every day in the grocery store aisle. You wonder if you’re watching a twisted episode of “Pet-culinary Adventures.” By choosing this eco-friendly, nutritious meal, you are taking the first step. It’s difficult to see a good reason for a bug-out.

Next time Buttercup looks over your shoulder and says “you have new treats? You’ll be able to choose the perfect wriggly and delicious treat. The little creatures did manage to worm their ways into our hearts.